Biospectroscopy and Interfaces Research Group

1. Sensores de oxigénio luminescentes não-metálicos para tanques de combustível de aeronaves e o seu método de funcionamento, B. Pedras, M. N. Berberan-Santos, C. Baleizão, J. P. Farinha, Patent PT 110889. Granted 16/07/2021.

1. Serra, C., Serra, J., Ferreira-Machado, I. L., Vieira-Ferreira, L. F., “Spectroscopic Analysis of Parathyroid And Thyroid Tissues By Ground-State Diffuse Reflectance and Laser Induced Luminescence: A Preliminary Report”, J. Fluorescence 31 (2021) 1235-1239.
2. Lazhar Z., Lhassane, I., Vieira-Ferreira, L. F., Ferreira-Machado, I.L., Marco-Contelles J., Chabchou, F.,r “Synthesis and Fluorescence of (E)-3-Aryl-2-(5-aryl-4H-1,2,4- triazol-3-yl) Acrylonitriles”,
ChemistrySelect 6 (2021) 6360 –6364.
3. Paramasivam, K., Fialho, C. B., Cruz, T. F.C., Rodrigues, A. I., Ferreira, B., Gomes, C. S. B., Vila-Viçosa, D., Charas, A., Esperança, J. M. S. S., Vieira Ferreira, L. F., Calhorda, M. J., Maçanita, A. L., Morgado, J., Gomes, P.T. “New luminescent tetracoordinate boron complexes: an in-depth experimental and theoretical characterisation and their application in OLEDs”,
Inorg Chem Frontiers (2021).
4. Vieira Ferreira, L.F., Ferreira Machado, I.L., Gonzalez, A., Pereira, M.F.C., Casimiro, T.M., “Portuguese 16th to Early 18th Century Tin Glazed Ceramics Found at the Tagus Estuary Saltpans”,
Glob J Arch & Anthropol, 11 (2021) 156-168.
5. Socoteanu, R. P., Boscencu, R., Manda, G., Anastasescu, M., Neagoe, I. V., Ferreira Machado, I., Dinca, O., Bucur, A., Vieira Ferreira, L. F., “Morphologic evaluation of some promising A3B porphyrinic type compounds designed for theranostic applications in cancer”,
Chemical Physics, 544 (2021) 111115.
6. Dias, A. P. S., Vieira Ferreira, L.F. “Acetylation of biodiesel glycerin using glycerin and glucose derived catalysts”, Daniela Spatarua,”,
Journal of Cleaner Production, 297 (2021) 126686.
7. Errokh, A., . Cheikhrouhou, W., Ferraria, A.M., Botelho do Rego, A.M., S. Boufi “Cotton decorated with Cu2O-Ag and Cu2O-Ag-AgBr NPs via an in-situ sacrificial template approach and their antibacterial efficiency”,
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 200 (2021) 111600.
8. Ferreira, O., Monteiro, O.C., Botelho do Rego, M. A., Ferraria, A. M., Batista, M., Santos, R., Monteiro, S., Freire, M. E., Silva, R., “Visible light-driven photodegradation of triclosan and antimicrobial activity against Legionella pneumophila with cobalt and nitrogen co-doped TiO2 anatase nanoparticles”
J. Environ. Chem. Engineer. 9 (2021) 106735 (12 pgs).
9. Bessergenev, V.G., Mariano, J.F., Mateus, M.C., Lourenço, J.P., Ahmed,A., Hantusch,M. , Burkel, E., Botelho do Rego, A.M., “Dielectric Properties and Spectral Characteristics of Photocatalytic Constant of TiO2 Nanoparticles Doped with Cobalt,
Nanomaterials, 11 (2021) 2519 (16 pgs).
10. Bailón-García, I., E., Fernandes, A., Baltazar, R., Ferraria, A.M., do Rego, A.M.B., Ribeiro,M.F. “Synthesis of modified TiO2-based catalysts for the photocatalytic production of solar fuels from synthesis gas”,
Catalysis Today, 379 (2021) 272-284.
11. Mokhatia, A., Benturki, O., Kecira, Z., Bernardo, M., Matos, I., Lapa, N., Ventura, M., Soares,O.S.G.P., Botelho do Rego, A.M., Fonseca, I.M., J. “Nanoporous carbons prepared from argan nutshells as potential removal agents of diclofenac and paroxetine,
Molecular Liquids 326 (2021) 115368 (20 pp).
12. Bento, M.A., Realista, S., Viana, A. S., Ferraria, A. M., Martinho, Paulo N., “Cryptand-functionalized highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Electrodes”,
Sustainability 13 (8) (2021) 4158 (12 pages).
13. Schimidt, M. F. R. A., Junqueira. H. C., Pedras, B., Berberan-Santos, M. N., Tribon,i E. R., Florenzano, F. H., “Charge transfer emission from 1,4,5,8-naphthalimide-polystyrene”,
Mater Sci Eng B 266 (2021) 115053.
14. Baldo, S., Antunes. P., Felicidade, J.F., Santos, FM.F., Arteaga, J.F., Fernandes, F., Pischel, U., Pinto, S.N., Gois, P.M.P., The BASHY Platform Enables the Assembly of a Fluorescent Bortezomib-GV1001 Conjugate,
ACS Med Chem Lett. 2021; 13(1):128-133.
15. Cruz, A., Condinho, M., Carvalho, B., Arraiano, C.M., Pobre, V., Pinto, S.N., The Two Weapons against Bacterial Biofilms: Detection and Treatment,
Antibiotics (Basel). 2021; 10(12):1482.
16. Mariz, I.F.A., Pinto, S.N., Santiago, A.M., Martinho, J.M.G., Recio, J., Vaquero, J.J., Cuadro, A.M., Maçôas, E.M.S,. Two-photon activated precision molecular photosensitizer targeting mitochondria,
Commun Chem 2021; 4: 142.
17. Ferreira, M., Pinto, S.N., Aires-da-Silva, F., Bettencourt, A., Aguiar, S.I., Gaspar, M.M., Liposomes as a Nanoplatform to Improve the Delivery of Antibiotics into Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms.
Pharmaceutics. 2021; 13(3):321.
18. Mil-Homens, D., Martins, M., Barbosa, J., Serafim, G., Sarmento, M.J., Pires, R.F., Rodrigues, V., Bonifácio, V.D.B., Pinto, S.N., Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Clinical Isolates: In Vivo Virulence Assessment in Galleria mellonella and Potential Therapeutics by Polycationic Oligoethyleneimine.
Antibiotics (Basel). 2021; 10(1):56.
19. Borges-Araújo, L., Domingues, M.M., Fedorov, A., Santos, N.C., Melo, M.N., Fernandes, F.. Acyl-chain saturation regulates the order of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate nanodomains.
Commun. Chem. 4:164 (2021).
20. Borges-Araújo, L., Souza, P.C., Fernandes,F., Melo,M., Improved Parameterization of Phosphatidylinositide Lipid Headgroups for the Martini 3 Coarse Grain Force Field.
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 18(1):357-373 (2021).
21. Garizo, A.RL., Coelho, F., Pinto, S., Dias, T.P., Fernandes, F., Bernardes, N., Fialho, A.M. The azurin‐derived peptide ct‐p19lc exhibits membrane‐active properties and induces cancer cell death.
Biomedicines 9: 1194. (2021).
22. Ribeiro, R. A., Godinho, C. P., Vitorino, M. V., Robalo,T. T., Fernandes, F., Rodrigues, M. S., Sá-Correia, I. Crosstalk between Yeast Cell Plasma Membrane Ergosterol Content and Cell Wall Stiffness under Acetic Acid Stress Involving Pdr18.
Journal of Fungi, (2022), 8, 103.
23. Ribeiro, R.A., Vitorino, M.V., Godinho, C.P., Bourbon-Melo, N., T., Robalo, T., Fernandes, F., Rodrigues,M.S., Sá-Correia, I., (2021). Yeast adaptive response to acetic acid stress involves structural alterations and increased stiffness of the cell wall.
Sci. Rep. 11: 12652. (2021).
24. Martinho, N; Pires, R.F; Zloh M; Bonifácio V.D.B. “Intrinsic acetamide brush-off by polyurea biodendrimers”
J. Mater. Chem. B, (2021) 9 9, 3371-3376.
25. Giudici, A. M, Díaz-García, C., Renart, M. L., Coutinho, A., Prieto, M., Gonzalez-Ros, J.M., Poveda, J.A. (2021) Tetraoctylammonium, a long chain quaternary ammonium blocker, promotes a non-collapsed, resting-like inactivated state in Kcsa,
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22 (2), (2021) 490.
26. Hädicke, A., Coutinho, A., Roy, S., Otis, F., Lhor, M., Cantin, L., Prieto, M., Voyer, N., Salesse, C. (2021) Membrane binding properties of the C-terminal segment of retinol dehydrogenase 8,
Biochim. Biophys. Acta- Biomembranes, 1863 (9) (2021) 183605.
27. Lopes, D., Pereira-Leite, C., Fontaine, P., Coutinho, A., Prieto, M., Sarmento, B., Jakobtorweihen, S., Nunes, C., Reis, S. (2021). Interface mediated mechanism of action – the root of the cytoprotective effect of immediate-release omeprazole.
J. Med. Chem. (2021), 64, 8, 5171–5184.
28. Santos, T.C.B, Saied, E.M., Arenz, Fedorov, A., Prieto, M., Silva, L.C., The long chain base unsaturation has a stronger impact on 1-deoxy(methyl)-sphingolipids biophysical properties than the structure of its C1 functional group.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biomembranes 1863 (8), 183628 (2021).
29. Scanavachi, G., Coutinho, A., Fedorov, A., Prieto, M., Melo, A., Itri, R. Lipid hydroperoxide compromises the membrane structure organization and softens bending rigidity.
Langmuir, 37, 33, (2021) 9952.
30. Sarmento, M. J., Borges-Araújo, L., Pinto, S. N., Bernardes, N., Ricardo, J. C., Coutinho, A., Prieto, M., Fernandes, F. (2021) Quantitative FRET microscopy reveals a crucial role of cytoskeleton in promoting PI(4,5)P2 confinement.
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, (2021) 11727.
31. Díaz-García, C., Renart, M. L., Poveda, J. A., Giudici, A. M., Gonzalez-Rós, J. M., Prieto, M., Coutinho, A. (2021). Probing the Structural Dynamics of the Activation Gate of KcsA using homo-FRET Measurements.
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, (2021) 11954.
32. Smith, P.O., Black, D.J., Pal, R., Avó, J., Dias, F.B., Linthwaite, Cann, V.L., M.J, L.-O, Pålsson, ‘Applying TADF Emitters in Bioimaging and Sensing—A Novel Approach Using Liposomes for Encapsulation and Cellular Uptake’,
Front. Chem., (2021), 9, 743928.
33. Eftimov, P.; Yokoi, N.; Melo, A.M.; Daull, P.; Georgiev, G. “Interactions of meibum and tears with mucomimetic polymers: a hint towards the interplay between the layers of the tear film”.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(5):2747.
34. Tedjini R., Viveiros, R., Casimiro, T., Bonifácio, V.D.B. “One-pot three-step mechanically assisted synthesis and catalytic performance of tripodal metallic complexes”,
React. Chem. Eng. (2021), 6, 2140.
35. F. Lopes-Coelho, F. Martins, A. Hipólito, C. Mendes, C.O. Sequeira, R.F. Pires, A. Almeida, V.D.B. Bonifácio, S.A. Pereira, J. Serpa “The activation of endothelial cells relies on a ferroptosis-like mechanism: Novel perspectives in management of angiogenesis and cancer therapy”,
Front. Oncol. (2021).
36. Miranda A.S., Marcos P.M., Ascenso J.R., Robalo M.P., onifácioV.D.B. B. Berberan-Santos, , M.N., Hickey N., Geremia, S., “Conventional vs microwave- or mechanically-assisted synthesis of dihomooxacalix[4]arene phthalimides: NMR, X-ray and photophysical analysis,
Molecules (2021), 26(6), 1503.
37. Lopes, M., Restani, R., Carvalho, M.P., Sá-Correia, I., Aguiar-Ricardo, A., Bonifácio,V.D.B., “Biocompatible oligo-oxazoline crosslinkers: Towards advanced chitosans for controlled drug release”,
React. Funct. Polym. (2021), 161, 104846.
38. Bonifácio, V.D.B., Pereira S.A., Serpa, J., Vicente, J.B., “Cysteine metabolic circuitries: Druggable targets in cancer”,
Br. J. Cancer (2021), 124, 862–879.
39. Cardoso, S., Berberan-Santos, M. N., “Reversible electronic energy transfer (homo-FRET) in cyclic molecular and supramolecular systems. “Fluorescence anisotropy decays for the isotropic interaction,
J Phys Chem A 125 (2021) 8476.