Biospectroscopy and Interfaces Research Group

1. Non-metallic luminescent oxygen sensors for aircraft fuel tanks, B. Pedras, M.N. Berberan-Santos, C. Baleizão, J.P. Farinha, International application No. PCT/PT2019/050021. Priority date: 30 July 2018. International filling date: 30 July 2019. Publication date: 6 February 2020 under Nº. WO 2020/027675.


1. Fluorescence in Industry. Springer Series on Fluorescence (Methods and Applications), B. Pedras (Ed.), vol 18, Springer, Cham, 2019.
2. B. Pedras, G. Orellana, M.N. Berberan-Santos,
Luminescence-Based Sensors for Aeronautical Applications, In Fluorescence in Industry. Springer Series on Fluorescence (Methods and Applications), Pedras B. (Ed.), vol 18. Springer, Cham, 2019.
3. C.I.C Crucho, M.T. Barros,
Stimuli-responsive glyconanoparticles: It's time to get sugar smart. In Nanomaterials Design for Sensing Applications. Olena V. Zenkina (Ed.), Elsevier, 2019, 257-279.


1. S.N. Pinto, S.A. Dias, A.F. Cruz, D. Mil-Homens, F. Fernandes, J. Valle, D. Andreu,M. Prieto, M.A.R.B. Castanho, A. Coutinho, A.S. Veiga, The mechanism of action of pepR, a viral-derived peptide, against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms, J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 2019, 74(9), 2617-2625.
2. N.T. Reichmann, A.C. Tavares, B.M. Saraiva, A. Jousselin, P. Reed, A.R. Pereira, J.M. Monteiro, R.G. Sobral, M.S. VanNieuwenhze, F. Fernandes, M.G. Pinho, SEDS-bPBP pairs direct lateral and septal peptidoglycan synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus.
Nat. Microbiol. 2019, 4, 1368-1377.
3. J.L.M. Gonçalves, C.I.C. Crucho, S.P.C. Alves, C. Baleizão, J.P.S Farinha, Hybrid mesoporous nanoparticles for pH-actuated controlled release,
Nanomaterials, 2019, 9, 483-496.
4. Targeting glutathione and cystathionine β-synthase in ovarian cancer treatment by selenium-chrysin polyurea dendrimers nanoformulation, I. Santos, C. Ramos, C. Mendes, C.O. Sequeira, C.S. Tomé, D.G.H. Fernandes, P. Mota, R.F. Pires, D. Urso, A. Hipólito, A.M.M. Antunes, J.B. Vicente, S.A. Pereira, V.D.B. Bonifácio, S.C. Nunes, J. Serpa,
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2523.
5. L-Buthionine sulfoximine detection and quantification in polyurea dendrimer nanoformulations, P. Mota, R.F. Pires, J. Serpa, V.D.B. Bonifácio, Molecules 2019, 24(17), 3111.
6. Green development of polymeric dummy artificial receptors with affinity for amide-based pharmaceutical impurities, R. Viveiros, V.D.B. Bonifácio, W. Heggie, T. Casimiro,  ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2019 ,7(18) 15445.
7. Photodiodes: Principles and recent advances, R.F. Pires, V.D.B. Bonifácio, J. Mater. NanoSci. 2019, 6(2), 38.
8. T.P. Dias, T.G. Fernandes, M.M. Diogo, J.M.S. Cabral, Multifactorial modeling reveals a dominant role of Wnt signaling in lineage commitment of human pluripotent stem cells,
Bioengineering 2019, 6, 71.